Mar 27, 2004 21:47
item the first: ashley ketch is amazing. ashley ketch is a lifesaver. ashley ketch rocks my world.
item the second: hung out at the hobbit's house yesterday for like, 6 hours. watched eddie, played squishy squishy sardines with christopher (although he wasn't too good at it), played go fish with christopher (again, doesn't really get the concept there) and then i ate over (chinese is scrummy). t'was the dog's bullocks. i love my hobbit. she's amazing. so i wrote 'i <3 hobbit' on her chalkboard.
item the third: went up to livingston today to visit family (part of my enormus non-blood family), my uncle jimmy and his kids tayrn (who i love to death) and little jimmy. so i hung out with ta for a while, we went out to eat (chinese again, and we acted like three year olds and played with this weird thing from the dessert table [t'was a buffet] that reminded us of gak), and then! we walked around in this old abandoned military housing development. it was all cookie-cutter houses (looked just like the madison park houses ^^), and all the windows were smashing in and it was obvious kids hung out there at night. satanic kids, by the looks of it. there were pentagrams and things of that sort (in one house, blood [and i'm honestly not kidding here]) all over the walls. there was a half-burnt dead cat in one of them. it was massively cool wandering about. next time i go down, we're going back and i'll bring my camera, and take a bunch of pictures. after that we went to the playground and puttered about, then hung out at her house for a while before coming home. but really very cool. it was nice to see them, we hadn't seen them in quite a while.
item the fourth: tomorrow, tyler is coming over and i'm helping him with his math project. ME! doing math! percentages, no less! nah, really, it's circle graphs, and we did that like monday, so i actually know how to do it. which is a nice change.
item the fifth: finally some extra money, picked up my contacts! whoo hoo!
item the sixth: (warning: this is my final bitch about being poor. please feel free to skip to the next item.) yeah, so since we have no money, my mum took a third job now. i fucking hate this. we have no money, ever. and i feel like such a bitch saying that, but it's true. i feel really selfish for that, but i can't even ask my parents for ten bucks to go to the movies anymore. because we barely have money to pay the mortgage at this point. argh. wouldn't it be nice to hit the lotto? then we wouldn't have to worry about where we're getting the money to keep a roof over our heads.
having no money makes me feel old.
item the seventh: i'm trying to convince my parents to let me move into the basement. i have a few hundred dollars saved up, i could fix it up really nice. get a few cheap throw rugs, a bookcase, and i'd be set. maybe even a comforter cover. i'd put one of my grandma's old armchairs in there, and i'd have plenty of room. and i would paint it really cool - i'd do the ceiling navy blue, and paint stars on it with phosphoresent paint. it'd be really cool. so i'm working on that. i should be able to convince them. i'm such a baby though, i'd want one of those slide-locks to put on the door that goes into the back of the basement, the unfinished half, so i could keep it locked when i sleep. because it's freaky to think about it. i'm such a loser.
item the eighth: my wrists are really killing me. (i think i have carpal tunnel. grrr-argh-ness.) so i'm hitting the road. g'nite, all.
item the ninth: 'allo, sue. i've got legs! d'ya like ... bread? :whump: i've got a french loaf! bye sue .... i looooooove you!