I hate you, Summer Boredom.

Apr 15, 2009 23:18

Well summer's back.
I didn't want it to come back.
The heat, the sweat, the oil and the boredom.
I hate all of it.
I'm starting to sound emo-ish. :))
But it's true.

The whole summer, I will be stuck in this room of mine. Writing... Chatting... Gaia-ing...gaining weight.
I could be off with my friends to the mall~!!
But nooo, Because of all that safety crap.

I should talk about myself in the first post.

I'm Erika and I love Japan. :p
I can draw well. XDD Maybe I'll post some drawings some day.
I love writing, but I don't seem to know what to write about.
Currently I'm writing a love story with HSJ and a girl. :))
It's really sad and awesome.
But I won't post it since you wouldn't want to read that. XDD
BUT I would write pairings since you WOULD read that. Lol.

The groups I like Hey! Say! JUMP, B.I. Shadow, JE Jrs., S.H.E., Girls Generation, SHINEE etc.

I LOVE HSJ and BI Shadow. XDD
INOO KEI, woot! :))

I love music. With out music, my life would be miserable.
My favorite is Rock and Jpop. XDD
I just love it when the guitar sings. It makes me want to jump and do some head banging.

I'm a happy person. :)
I don't get bored that easily compared to some people.
Recently I have learned that not caring about what other people think is better.
Last year, I was so self concious that I became shy and quiet.
But when I thought, "Eff them man, why should I worry over what they think of me. If they don't like me, it's their problem."
I learned that I am a different person. I don't have to think like them. I should be loved for who I am.
If they love me for who I'm not, then they don't love me at all.
So I became a better person  and I'm proud. :D


Let us all be kind to one another, ne? :D

Yay! I posted!

boredom, inoo kei, random, dogs, self, cats, about me, hey say jump, summer

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