I need money. XDD

Apr 16, 2009 00:41

   This is Gentle Freezia :) ( www.iplehouse.net )
Recently I've been addicted to these dolls called ABJDs. (Asian Ball Jointed Dolls)
I actually have stopped searching since I know I wouldn't be able to afford them TT_TT

They are the most BEAUTIFUL DOLLS EVER.
When I first found out about them, I freaked out.
I checked this site out to see what are ABJD's. ( www.migidoll.com )
When I saw it, I was like "wkproj4%#$rioj4t34t!!!!!!!!!!"
They were AWESOME.

When I look at them, I wonder if anyone looks as good as them
They make you want to be them TT_TT
And they're good for photography too! You can make them pose any way you want.

The really nice dolls are about 300+ to 500+

It's so sad. TT_TT

I will buy you... Some day.

lol, barbie, photography, bratz, beautiful, expensive, abjd, cool, dolls, awesome

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