My Chosen Family

Dec 12, 2008 18:47

Recently me and mi friends were playing a game were we chose a family.
Mine was mostly Johnny's with a few exceptions.

i would marry...
Probably Tackey

i would be best friends with...
Nino... he's so funny

i would spend a summer with...
Akanishi Jin

my teenage sweet heart would be...

i would go to a chinese Restaurant with...

My older brother would be...
Sho... of course... best older brother in the world!

My younger brother would be...
Aiba...i would love to have a younger bro like that... ( no-offence to mi actual bro meant...hehehe)

My Older Sister would be....
Hamasaki Ayumi... shes so cool

My younger sister would be...

My cousin would be...
INOHARA!!!! hes soooo cool and funny!

My Other cousin would be...
Oh-chan... hes so funny if you dont know wat i mean, go onto you-tube and
type in Ninocam and watch.

My Dad would be...
Prashant Tamang... SO COOL!!

My Mum would be...
Jaya Bachan... she has a motherly feeling.

tackey, johnny's, chibi, prashant, sho, nino, aiba, arashi, johnny's family, inohara, jin, jun, j-pop family

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