Apr 30, 2005 11:00
Hey I am so tired I stayed up till like almost 1:00 talkin to Darryl. morgans comin over today shes ok I guess she seems cool I guess there goin somewhere with there parents later idk.Nm today got to go babysit my cousin Janie shes one. I got to go watch her cuz tuesday my grandfather type person passed away we were preety close so that sucks. A thing that suckes even more is the guy that pased away died on my cousins 9th b-day and he was really close to him so that is why for now we had to lie to him and say he died the day after well tell him later that he passed away on his b-day. Suppose to go oto the circus Tiff wants me n Linz to go with her Sunday but idk wat ill be doing so I couldnt give her a yes or no answer. Oh Mary I didnt call u fat so w/e u can think w/e u want I dont care I dont need someone who always gets mad at me for doin nothing thats bull so go ahead and be mad at see if I ever help u out when people call u hairy mary again. U can help urself. But ne ways me n linz were babysittin last night and we came home in the pitch black and her mom wernt home. We were scared or at least I was thn we had to go back over in the dark and get mine and hers cds. We played a mean trick on him it as so funny. Linz keep callin her home phone from his phone and not sayin ne thing but one of the times Jonathin picked up she laughed in like a scary voice. He was so scared. We told him it was Bo and he was gettin back at me for never goin out with him. At the end of the night we told him it was us and he wouldnt even go outside with us it was bad. Well Ill write some other time..