Two entries in one day, la la la

Oct 10, 2002 18:41

Stupid orcs.

Upon all the shit that happened while moving to and getting settled in Mordor, the orcs have harassed me constantly. It started with mild teasing, then it escalated into throwing stuff at me and soon after they got ballsy enough to pull my hair. I've come to two conclusions one (as my father used to tell me) they find me repulsive and will kill me shortly, or two, they find me attractive. I believe it's the former.

One day while I was outside with the twins, letting the goblins use the outdoor restroom, I was approached by two of my tormentors. I put the babies inside, then noticed these were the same fuckers that buried me in my backyard. I tried yelling various obscenities, threatening them with a chainsaw, ritual sacrifice, torture and poison, and even threatening to sic Glorfie on them. They just stood there in mild amusement, and even looked strangely interested when I mentioned something about mutilating them during necrophilia. They eventually told me to shut up and thanked me for the ten bucks they scored (apparently I was buried in the yard on a bet to see if I could get out or not, they were the only two who thought I would.)They told me their names were Steve and Richard.Interesting names for orcs. Then they invited me out for a couple of drinks. Even though I was still pissed off and suspicious as all hell, it's not in me to refuse a night of liquor consumption.
So Ingrid played with the twins (she's a very good harpymander, I trust her with my life.) while Steve, Ricahrd and I got drunk downstairs. It's amazing how orcs can't hold their fucking liquor.
Glorfie came home by the time I was already slightly drunk. He looked pissed and said stuff that I can't remember. The last thing I remember is passing out after I was moved to a new location, my clothes somehow removed, to the sounds of Steve throwing up in the bathroom.
Anyway, Steve and Richard were talking about some stash and TPing people's houses. I'm going to ask Glorfie if they can crash in our living room. :)
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