So there's this Perez Hilton website, whatever it's called, thing-a-ling that shows the 'Nobody' by Wonder Girls and he's talking about how he likes the song and what not and of course, everyone ALWAYS has something to say about everything so there are numerous comments that follow the video.
There are the of course 'OMG I love the Wonder Girls! The video was amazing! Check out 'So Hot' and 'Tell Me' if you liked this vid!' and comments along those lines. Then there were of course the comments that had absolutely nothing to do with the post that I swear up and down dropped my I'Q by several points. Then of course there were the 'Wonder Girls suck, they can't even sing, blah blah blah blah blah,' and other very negative comments that seriously lacked any substance. (And personally, if I didn't know who the Wonder Girls were, I would look up constant videos and perforamances to see if they really couldn't sing or not, thus granting with even more attention which was probably not the reviewer's original goal) and then there were the comments that really shocked me to the point of my staring at my computers for several minutes at a time with my mouth wide open.
One person went as far as to say that the United States shoud just go ahead and bomb both North and South Korea and other Asian countries too while they were at it.
I understand that we do have the freedom to speak what we feel and what not. We have the option to freely express ourselves and our values, but what kind of shit is that? Really now? I usually try to see both sides to every issure, but when the issue is concerning hatred and racism, forgive me for completely blocking out any other way of looking at such a thing.
Of course this thoroughly pisses me off and launches a discussion about racism with not only
patrasworld but with my mother and grandmother as well. I guess seeing how far the world has come from being a place of backward thinking that it just infuriates me to see the horrible injustices still playing a strong part in our every day encounters with people, whether it be in person or via internet.
I dunno.. I guess I'm just rambling now, but personally, we have so much to learn from other cultures different from our own. Just because a person or a culture is different doesn't give us a reason to hate them or banish them, but gives us the chance to learn..
Or am I being too idealistic?