Ok.. So.. Uhm.. Yeah.. This is pretty much a more personal journal because I feel like I'm spamming my own journal (meant for fics) with.. random.. stuff.. ie hurricanes and things of such nature..
I don't really care if anyone actually READS this journal.. But livejournaling does have its uses especially since I can confide in so few people. Anyone who does read this.. More power to ya. Hehe..
I obviously had this journal for a hot little minute before creating
hardlychosen , and if you scroll down far enough you can see School Daze being born. Haha.. There was no birth for YB vs TY though.. That one just sort of came out of nowhere. Hehe.. Anywho.. I suppose I'm done with my rambling.. Feel free to poke about my past.. and hell.. if you want the high school dirt on me, feel free to check out
xprocrastinator . (Please don't ask where that name came from. Just.. My middle school friends and I expressing our insanity via interesting nicknames.. Heh..)
To be perfectly honest.. I'm surprised I even remembered the password for this account.. Heh.. It's been a while.. A long while.. What.. A little over a year? *shrug* oh well..