[K-Drama] - Painter of the Wind

Nov 23, 2008 02:55

Just freaking wow.. I've only seen the first six episodes of this drama, but it's TOTALLY love... ^____^ Haha.. Personally, I'm a sucker for a story that is based around the arts.. You know.. music.. dancing.. ART. Hehe.. And the fact that I saw a commercial for this on some Korean station thing and nearly broke my fingers looking for it might have something to do with why I wanted to watch it so badly.. *shrug*

But I can't exactly do a full analysis as to what's going on just yet. Even though I'm a good six episodes into the drama I do have vent because I am, to day the very least, pissed as hell with the subbing team.. I'm so angry I don't even feel like looking up who they are right now because that would just make me furious all over again.

The drama itself is absolutely wonderful, but I must say that poor subbing, bad timing and subbing team laziness does make it difficult to enjoy. Let me put it this way.. I read English subtitles because of the fact that I do not know enough Korean to watch a drama just yet.. But how come.. HOW COME they take it upon themselves not to sub some (many really) that the characters say? It was by chance that I even knew what the Chona had said to Don Wan and Yon Bok.. -.-' Aigoo.. I was so pissed when I started noticing less and less subtitles the longer the drama went on. By the time I got to episode seven, I was ten minutes into the drama and still not a single sub had popped up.. I mean, it's not THAT hard to understand what's going on at the beginning of that particular episode.. I mean.. Some serious shit is going on.. But it totally kills me that I can't fully understand what's going on in the scene because a subbing team decided to upload the ep with no subs or barely any.. -.-

Back to the drama itself..

OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't think such a serious porblem would present itself so soon in the drama.. o.O From the get go you know exactly who will be the problematic characters in the drama, and you know that there's going to be trouble, but I seriously didn't expect so much so soon.. I was biting my nails right from the start.


Yon Bok is really a girl.. That's definitely one of the first things you learn about our heroin though everyone thinks she's a he (and sometimg I even get a little on the confused side haha) so perhaps i should think of her like a hero..? Anyway! Yon Bok is really a girl and an extremely talented painter with a sharp eye for detail. It's this eye for detail that gets her in trouble with the dowager queen.. Apparently, Yon Bok painted what was considered an erotic painting and though she didn't know it, it was the dowager queen she had painted.. Hahahaha!!! (I thought that was funny because really the queen only considered it erotic because she was the focus of the painting)

Don Wan (a totally amazingly awesome painter) is brought in from Pyoyang (I sure hope that's right, it's been a couple of days) to find out who painted such a thing.. Whoever is found guilty will have his hands smashed and if Don Wan were to fail, his hands would be smashed in place of the students since the masters don't want him there anyway.. Apparently there was this huge thing 10 years ago involving him but they elaborate later.. I would know more about that if there were subtitles for future episodes.. *pout* I'll have to check back though.. That or just rip out my hair and scream insanities.

Anyway.. I definitely love the drama so far and I definitely want to finish it.. If I get the chance to order it on DVD, I definitely will without hesitation.




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