No Freakin' Way.

Nov 03, 2008 14:44

How is it that I'm getting hit on right after I have a boyfriend? Makes no sense. xD Lyke for instance, yesterday when I was on break with my friend I saw this really cute/hawt guy. I didn't think of much just that he was cute. So I was all "Allrighty then, moving along..." but about two hours later while I was working I saw him again with these two girls. They walked pass and I turned around to not stare at him, but just when I turned back I could have sworn he turned back to look at me. oAo;; Once again I ignored it. Then another hour passed and they came back. I turned around once more and just as they were about to pass me I heard one of the girls talking. She sounded kind of aggrated at one of the other two but I wasn't sure. Suddenly, out of nowhere they stopped and one of the girls (the one probably talking before) asked if they can have a sample mind you I hand out food samples). I said "suuure" and gave them a sample. Thats when it all happened. I gave one to the guy and was blankly staring at him for god knows how long. xDD Well, up until he talked. He was all "Thanks and you're pretty cute." ...HOLY CRAP. Did I just hear him correctly? I couldn't process it through my head soon enough and just thanked him. He smiled back and then left. My face and ears were on fire. Maybe its cause I don't get a lot of complients, but that doesn't matter! That shocked me... Ah wells, its not like I'll see him again and I have myself a boyfriend. Haha. *sigh* What an eventful day...

(And yes Nena, I will be talking about this for the next week or two.) xD


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