Dec 03, 2004 20:17 many emotions and stuff going through my head i dont know what to do with myself...this week was okay sunday was my birthday...that went pretty good it was fun...i think me and daniel are finally over he hasnt called in like two weeks or whatever so yeah and he didnt even call on my birthday how ignorant is that...oh well thats how some guys are...but if were over sorry to say but he didnt have enough balls to approach me about it? what is that oh well...i need somebody better than him to treat me good i guess hope i can find someone...i know im young but im anxious you know i dont like being alone and my parents and basketball and everything is just frustrating me so much i dont know what to do with myself its like i just cry i have been for the last couple days but i mean i guess ill get over that by myself too it seems like nobodys here for me like im all alone...but yeah i still want to get to know aaron more or something i dont know i hate being alone you know? but good news is my furniture is in so is my wallpaper the wallpaper and chair rail for my room is going up monday and im ordering/getting my carper tommorrow i think how exciting is that? my room is going to be almost complete...heh thats one thing to make me happy...lame yeah i know...tommorrow i have an early practice which i dont feel like going to but you know how that goes...then im gettin' the eyebrows done finally...they need it ewww...then im just gonna chill and go out to play or whatever i dont know try to get into something with someone that would actually want to do something with me...wonder if that will ever happen i hate feeling all getting a lot closer to my cousin though i feel liker were becoming more of really really good maybe better friends...that makes me happy shes so funny and its like shes like me she understands me so well its awesome....excited for christmas/december yay that also makes me happy lol...well im really tired out so i think im gonna go to bed ill end it off with a survey lol here you go....
What are you wearing?:
- blue penn state sweat pants
- maroon/gray socks my feet are freezing! :O/
- yellow three quarter length shirt
What time is it?
- 11:16 p.m.
How's the hair?:
- down and straightened
Any makeup?:
- nope! never wear any but i do wear chapstik a lot now if you consider that make up?
- nope didnt have time to put any on this morning
What's the last thing you ate or drank?:
- chocolate milk and cookie bar
Last thing you bought?:
- lunch today at school..
What have you done/are you doing today?:
- Got up
- went to morning practice
- went to school
- came home from school early YAY
- went out to play
- went christmas shopping for my mom
- went out to dinner
- more shopping
- home
- computer
- chillen
- bed early practice tommorrow :o/ deff. dont feel like doing that...but oh well...
What are you listening to?
- some song on c.m.t. top 100 best love songs....aww i wish i had someone to think about :o(
If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would it be and with who?:
- i guess im good rather be on vacation at the like with *hIm* or i wanna meet this aaron kid still...:o)
What are you thinking of?:
- dont wanna go to practice
- i cant feel my foot its so cold....its numb literally
- im so frustrated too many thoughts runnin' through my head
- what am i gonna get into tommorrow
- i wish *hE* could come over tommorrow night
- im going to bed
*CoMmEnT oN tHiS iF yOu WaNnA!! *_xOxO_* ~_.:BrOoKe:._~