Whoa Whoa Whoa!!

Jan 27, 2004 17:33


What's goin on cool kids? I was supposed to go to orientation toay for my JOB at McDonald's but it was canceled... but the manager said he would start training me even before orientation... probably like Friday or Saturday which is pretty cool. I have to go to orientation next tuesday tho. Whatever.... as long as I have a job i don't give a fuck what I have to do as long as I get money and as long as my mom is off my ass about me having a job. U know? ANYWAYSSSSSS...my classes definitely suck this semester. First hour I have American History.. but it's not that bad coz my teacher is really cool and plus Megan is in my class so we always talk and stuff with Eddie. Second hour I have the all dreaded ALGEBRA 2... how fucking gay is that??? And ontop of it being a gay class... I don't know anyone in there. Melissa has the the period before me but that doesn't help me out at all. I Have B lunch... so that means I go to Third hour for 45 minutes (which is World History) and then I go to lunch... and then I go back to Third period again for another 45 minutes. Actually it's not that bad becuase it makes the class seem like it went by SO much faster. Then Fourth hour I have English 3... Heather V. is in my class so that's always a plus.. even tho she sits al the way accross the room from me... ohh and Brielle is in my class too... that's cool... I've known her since 8th grade when she was in my science class with Luis. I'm really mad that I don't have any bullshit classes this semester that I can just slack off in. I'm gonna have homework every night... I'm gonna actually have to start doing homework and stuff on a regular basis for the first time in my high school career. Shit... that fucking sucks ass lol. No goofing off for Kelly I guess.

Anyways... last night I made a Chat Room for me, Sandy, and Sam... (and by the way... Sandy farts when she's around Raab and when anyone touches her legs or lower back... and she also wears Black ONE PIECE bathing suits with gold trim to the beach with Sam who is a Honolulu Hunny Porn Star). So yeah I made this chat and then we invited a bunch of other people in after a while and it got sooo out of control it was awesome tho... there were at one point 23 people in there and i think i only knew 7 of those people... but that's ok... it was fun while it lasted... it lasted for like 3 hours tho... it was insanely funny and awesome. We're gonna do it again today. But this time that fucking PIGEON kid can't come in coz he was gay as hell. COOL PEOPLE ONLY (IM Kelly for further details).

I'm chilling with Robbie after school I think... at least that's what he told me... he wants to take the bus over here and bring his bike and hten ride him bike from weston road to my house which will only take him like 6 minutes to do. No big deal.... but he better not fuckin sell me out. Heheh I don't think he will.

KELLY HAS A JOB!!!! You want frie's with that bitchhhhhh???

I'm Out... I'll update with someone more interesting later.
Seeeeeee yaaaaaaaa.
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