break schedual;

Dec 22, 2007 10:20

Saturday: work 3:45-11

Sunday: christmas breakfast/celebration with Derek (Rymill side) @ Grandma Rymill's house
work 6:30-11:15

Monday: Christmas eve celebration with Sirey side of the family @ our house
Love is being moved to Romeo.

Tuesday: Christmas day celebration with Ringler side @ Gma Ringler's house
work 4:00-11:00

Wednesday: working with Love in the morning
3:00 TSO concert & dinner with Derek

Thursday: working with Love in the morning
work 3:45 - 10:30

Friday/Saturday: in BAY CITY with Derek for his bowling tourney. prolly hanging out with Linda (Derek's mom) the whole time. if we don't find a mall, we're leaving.

Sunday: working with Love in the morning
work 3:00 - 8:45

Monday: New Year's Eve in LEXINGTON :D

Tuesday: work 3:00 - 8:45
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