Jan 20, 2006 18:55
well i think its about time to update this once again..well since the last time i wrote in here, its been hecktic here at home...no money, find what we can to eat and arguing...it sux everytings good now. But we finally get to eat and we have to eat stupid pork chops ewwwwwwwwwwwww sick as fuck...lol..i hate them. me and the baby is good but my stomach is huge and ummmm my grandma told me i was having twins i about choked on my spit eww yes i know but i was like um how bout no!!!! theres only one the doctor already said that theres only 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soo no twins for me...Me and marc have been arguing all too he thinks its b/c of him and thats why we fight b/c he knows its not b/c of him he just like to think that...we're getting better we have are arguements here and there not like every ten minutes like last week...tuesday was hell..i was hot cold tired hungry sore everyting in the book and i just wanted to cry all the time no matter what and everyday i want to go home and sleep and marc and i try but my stupid ass brothers won't let us they go and tell mom and dad that we're in the back room sleeping i'm telling u they (parents) don't care if we're sleeping on the futon...we have a baby on the way for goodness sake but they(brothers) don't understand that..well maybe no not maybe its only b/c the don't care about ne one but themselves...my sister can tell u that as well..dayna don't worry about tommy if he wants u back he'll come after u...sarah srry i haven't been calling u as u can tell i haven't really had time to do nething...omg and now that exams are coming up thats even morehecktic i have to study and i have not time to...i dont' know what im gonna do for math, english or astronomy..sociology and chid care im good with but not the other ones....well imm out imm getting tired..love u alll.