joe is awesome.

Jul 27, 2005 18:45

Hello people, im sitting here with my best friend joe. he is like totally awesometastic. i love him. bry just came, pretty sweet. they are coming in, again, pretty sweet. connor says hi to everyone. dave says no. k well back to the main point here. joe is like my favorite person in the world.austin is pretty cool too. im leaving for camp in 3 days, i am going to miss joe so much. he is like the love of my life and i am going to write him everyday. im gong to think of him during siesta (sp?) so anywho, how is everyone? good? thats good. dave cant go to captains practice cause he works and stuff. and joe isant going because he doesnt want to and doesnt care that much about soccer. joe is awesome in case you forgot. so right now, i have no friends cause i like to read a lot. yeah im a loser. speaking of losers, joe isant one. joe just fell for the worst pop up ever and i just threw shit at him cause im mean. so yeah, robbie broke the keyboard thing earlier cause he had a BAD BEAT ROAR!! POKER ROAR!!! anywho, joe is like the bestest in the entire like everything. joe wants some lime slush so im gonna go get him some :):)no way jose cause im mean, i owe him one now, but oh wait im not gonna be able to get him some for a month cause i like to go away for a month to clean shit out of bathrooms and not get paid for it. gonna be a freaking blast. i wish joe could come though, cause hes amazing and like i want him for our special girl talks at the camp fire in the junior girls section. we have to go to bed at 830 because mommy said so. robbie wants to have a gang bang. i want to join but only if joe is in it cause i LOVE him. bry like mountain dew better than orange soda. i love joe by the way, like totally like so much dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooods. joe wants to watch full house right now cause thats a good show. but its not on :(

well anyways i gotta go read cause that whole cleaning shit thing and ya i wont have time to in the next month since ill be thinking of joe on my down time. so hope everyone has a good month and ill talk to you peeps laterrrrrr.

i love joe.

leave some comments.

joe is cool








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