Name: Katie or Tai
Birthday: 09-07-89
Birthplace: uhm..tarzana, CA
Eye Color: Blue
Natural Hair Color: Brown with redidsh highlights
Righty or Lefty: ambidextrous
Your heritage: WHITE!! haha
The shoe size: 6 1/2 - 7 1/2
Your weakness: im gonna tell anyone
Your fears: uhhh i dunno getting murdered brutally haha
Your perfect pizza: i hate pizza
Goal you'd like to achieve: its better not to have goals that way when u cant achieve them you dont get so hurt
most overused phrase: serio, letz do it, uhhh
thoughts first waking up: damn...maybe if i just lie here and whine mah mom wont wake me up
best physical feature: uhm..on me..mah boobs DUH
bedtime: RIGHT NOW
most missed memory: uhm i dont have one
LAYER FOUR: this or that...
Pepsi or Coke: pepso haha steph
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
Vanilla or Chocolate: mixed
Naughty or Nice: naughty
Couch or Chair: couch
Focused or Wild: BOTH
PC or Laptop: laptop
LAYER FIVE: do you.....
Smoke: =X
Drink: =X
Cuss: ...nooooo..haha
Sing: yah
Take a shower everyday: yah
Have a crush(es): not right now
Want to go to college: no
Like high school: no
Want to get married: no
Believe in yourself: no
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're attractive: no
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: yah
Like thunderstorms: yah
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Done a drug: uhm..NO
Made Out: wait...yah
Gone on a date: no
Gone to the mall?: no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: yah
Gone skating: no
Made dinner for the family: yah
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: yah
Stolen anything: no
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yah
Been caught "doing something?": hahhahahaHAHAHHAHAHAhahahhaha
Been called a tease: yah..oh well
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: cough
Changed who you were to fit in: no
Age you hope to be married: uhm...
Numbers and Names of Children: ima adopt
Describe your dream wedding: uhm...not getting married haha
How do you want to die: uhm...not getting murdered
Where you want to go to college: uhm...i dont
What do you want to be when you grow up: music teacher
What country(ies) would you most like to visit: uh dont care
LAYER NINE: In the opposite sex (???)
Best eye color?: hazel
Best hair color? brown
Short or long hair: short
Height: uhh i dunno
Best articles of clothing: aobut no clothes
Best first date location: uhm...movies?
Best first kiss location: movies?
LAYER TEN: number of....
people I could trust with my life: in the long run no one
Cd's that I own: wow...give me a couple days...ill count them
piercing: 2
tattoos: i want 1
times my name has appeared in the newspaper? 4
LAYER ELEVEN: last person...
you hugged: uhm haha i dunno
you kissed: ....danny...
you got angry at: umm..
who shocked you: uhm casey when she IMed me
who you got in a fight with: damn um...danny...i wait matthew
you talked to: uhh i dunno
you called: i dont call ppl
who called you: matthew
you IMd: uhh i dont IM ppl...wiat NO i IMed rachelle!! woohoo go me
who IMd you: uhh whitney