in dedication to KY

Oct 11, 2006 22:02

Inexperienced Assholes /A minor complaint..

Crack your knuckles and sip your NO FEAR cause we're in for a long, mysteriously violent string of ranting and raving from your friendly neighborhood kidwhore, Ky.
I haven't seen you guys from the writing side in a while. How was your St. Patty's day? Good? Get wasted much? I didn't, doesn't work well with my tummytumtum anymore.
So. Like. I've been thinking about some things that piss me off and it's not hard really because most things do when I'm trying to live a neutral life and some dikfore (Ask me what that is. :) has to keep coming in and out of my perfectly balanced (aherm) life and trudge on my good natures. That's okay, I say to myself, most of these people are freshman or some young group with no understanding that there's a life outside of teenage drama and that thing that's all prison like and conformist and yammer-full...oh yeah, high school. Saddly though, I've yet to reach many of these troubled youths as I always wish someone would have told me some of the things I tell myself in my early preteen and post trauma years.
So since I can't talk nice to people, let me just verbally bash some poor person's skull in with the descriptive sledgehammer and poetic jacksaw.
I'm not sorry, I really, really hate these moping children with almost everything in the world that need to establish themselves in a temporary four-year environment by bragging about every success, the scars are their bodies and their steadily decreasing brain cell count. Do I care how many chicks you really didn't bang while being shitfaced and stoned on some drug you've never touched? No. Do I want to hear about it? No. Do I want to suppress the growing inclination to reverse your testicles? No, of course not.
I... I shouldn't hold in such hatred, really I shouldn't. So that's why I'm here. Everyone smile! Just like I do when some wannabe poster boy for Hot Topic comes by in Mommy and Daddy bought brand new Tripp clothing claiming to just be the bee's knees. Why do I need to fufill this kid's need to be loved when I wouldn't mind rearranging his personally overrated facial features? What makes a person kiss some of these people? If you look at them closely, a lot of them are rather putrid looking. Not that I'm the glamour queen, but I'd rather be me then some of the "I'm so fucking hot, yes" proclaimed faces in my area. I may take Myspace pictures from weird angles cause I'm fat but at least my gallery doesn't consist of photos all from the same direction with one face that I think makes me look like a shit-hot singer whose depression music appeals to my emo soul.
And what's it with some people, mostly guys, proclaiming they're just true assholes and are always honest and blunt about everything? I tell one of them to shove it they become quiet, secluded, sad and almost cry about how cruel I am to them. Fuck off and suck up the daytime. At least coincide with your hatred and confidence on your online profile. It's too easy to hide behind the mask that is the internet. These people need to find voices and brains really quickly before someone besides me lays their skin black and blue. I prefer to do it vocally, most people don't.
As for the staggeringly pissy people who get upset by downing words, cut themselves and let the whole society and their dogs see all the while claiming it to be an accident and going off on a mystery rampage can take their little safety pins, rip their eyelids open and let the sun shine in. Get out of your dark holes and live a little, bunch of fucking pussies. STOP making fun of the people who actually do this out of pure addiction and are in need of help. No one needs to hear about how your Mommy was too tired to make your a sandwhich after fifteen hours of work and you were so angry you had to make knicks in your skin. Do us all a favor, bolt your door and listen to your saddening collection of shit flavored music until you shrivel up and die along with the rest of the turds. God, there are plenty of people that need help in the world, ACTUAL help, and it's not you just because you weren't allowed to go to Hot Topic last weekend.
I don't take shame in honestly hating and telling someone I really dislike how they act. Sometimes people just naturally don't click with each other. It's the ass kissing, self serving, dick sucking, claim-to-be-bi-cause-I-can-kiss-the-same-sex-and-not-care-cause-I-need-attention, over glamourous with bad fashion sense, non-working-because-they-think-it's-cool, lame ass, rich whining, pussy bragging mother fuckers that can take a match and light their overly chemically-stricken hair on fire.
Five words: I don't give a shit. So don't most of the people who listen to their whining. These people complain they're gonna get in trouble for grades even though they refuse to do their work in class cause they're to smart for class. You're NOT more intelligent than the people that teach you. And please, don't scream anarchy if you can't fully define it because that makes you look like more of a goat's nutsack then you really know. If one more of these fuckers makes stupid comments at the end of a teacher's sentence, I'm going to take my chair and make sure all four lets fit into their anus.

Smile. Let in the sunshine. And keep yourself to yourself.
Because I certainly don't want a piece of THAT.

Mos love,
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