(no subject)

May 12, 2005 13:41

It's been forever since I posted on here. So here's the extremely short version of whats been going on since I last posted.

My tattoo healed and looks great :D. I went on senior trip. Just got back this morning. My phone line messed up so I can only get online on moms line when shes not home. I got my new cell phone. Same number though yay! Too many people has my number for me to change it. Its a pretty flip phone heh. I love it. Ummm Prom's in 2 days. Mr. Twyman (the guidance conculer from River valley) died on Monday.

Yeah that's about it really. Senior trip was freaking awesome. I had a blast. There was so many guys down there that were hitting on me! It was AWESOME. :D Must admit that I like it a hell of alot better down there than up here. I want to move there so bad. Honestly I'm really considering it after I graduate college. or at least get my generals done. I have nothing to stay up here for.

Prom i have the feeling is going to be lousy. Dusty is being all weird about it now since he's preppy friends have been pickin on him for asking me. He's obsessed with what people think of him. The only reason we're still going together is becasuse it we didn't feel like tryin to find anyone else this late. And our flowers and stuff is already ordered. We're going to prom dinner tomorrow night with Jenn and Terry. Should be FUN (not). I'll just be happy when its all said and done. i have 7 days left at River Valley. THANK GOD. Next week is finals i go 2 days the following week and i'm done. Yay!

I spent a good deal of time on my cell phone talkin' to Zack when I was in Flordia. Oddly I spent more time talkin' to him than I did my own mother. Somedays I think he intentionally trys to piss me off. Anymore I'm not even worried about us dating to quote him "If it happens it happens if it don't it dont." I'm sick of thinkin' about it. I like him, he knows it and where it goes from here is up to him.

I think i'm going to go though. I'm so tired and i just spent over 18 hours on a bus (if you include the ride to all the places we went yesterday from Coco Beach. Anyone needs to get ahold of me since my net is messed up and I won't be on as much as i use to be my cell is 645-2085. :)

Much Love
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