stoled frum cari

Oct 05, 2004 15:48

0) Single or Taken: *looks away* dont no what ta put here....no1 really nos what i mean by that but yeah ...... i dont no what ta put just that i wont b single 4 sure in a couple months then ill no 4 sure but right now im kinda unsure if im single or taken.... 1) Your Full Name: Lauren Racine Honabach
2) Sex: Girlie
#) Birthday: December 11th 1988 at 7:00 am
4) Sign: Sag.
5) Siblings: 3 and a bro in law - half sister-Melissa(22) brow in law- Jared (22) Sister- Raechel(13) Bro- Nathan (7)
6) Hair color: Dark brown almost black
8) eye color: brown but they change shades dependin on my mood
9) Shoe size: 71/2 8

*-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s*-;-*

2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: did i not already answer this.....
3) you send this to your crush? if he gets it off my xanga then sure he can have it or read it
4) Did your crush send this to u? Nopes i stealed it frum cari

*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f*-;-*

1)Where is your favorite place to shop: MILLZ ALL THE WAY HEHEHEHE
2)Any tattoos or piercing-and what/where: yups 3 sets in my ear 2 lobes and one upper cartlige

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

1) Do you do drugs: NOOOOO DRUGS R BAD 4 U i dont and wont do drugs
2) What are you most scared of: needles doctors and loosin those closest to me
3) What car do you wish to have?:red or black mustange
4) Where do you want to get married: on the beach or in a church 5) How many messenger buddies are online? now like none cause every1s doin hw ands not on b4 6 but yahoo i have 3 msn 3 aim 23
6)If you could change anything about yourself what would it be: i dont hate how i look but i dont love it so yeah ....

~! F a V o r I t E !~*

1) future Boys Name: Christian and Christopher
2) future Girls name: Christen and Christina
3) Subjects in school:none dont really have one i used to love skewl but as of 8th grade i started to hate skewl and still do
4) Animals: i love all animals and bugs but i love marine life the most spec dolphins whales and seahorses and i also love horses

*-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*

1) Given anyone a bath? umm does my brother count when he was a baby???
2) Smoked: Not in this life time.*agrees w/ cari*
3) Bungee jumped: only at like fairs but never like hangin by my ankles just bein like more of flung up so the not scary ones
4) Broken the law: umm yes and no1 better say no on this ? because really i no uve all been out past 10pm b4 and i no uve all j walked a couple times
5) Made yourself throw-up? no im sorry but thats just wrong and i hate throwin up in the first place so i couldnt make myself do that
6) Gone skinny-dipping? nope
8) Made yourself cry to get out out trouble? *looks innocent and says* me never nooo never

1 s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s To M i n d *-;-*

1) Red: love and blood
2) cow: TIPPPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) socks: sox rock i love suxs hehe soxs r fun hehe where did my monkey toe soxs walk off to
4) Greenland: y is it called greenland if its all ice and iceland is called iceland when its not all ice hmmmmm sum1 tell me y they r switched

*-;-* Final Questions *-;-*

1) Do you like filling these out: im bored they keep me biz
2) How many people are you sending this to? who ever gets an xanga email entry frum me i guess
3)Who will send it back: none unless they put it in there xanga as well
4)Last film you saw at the cinema:* thinks what was the last movie i saw* its been a while wow the day b4 skewl started WOW ^ week *screams i need to go to the movies and like NOW!!!!!!*
o and it was i robot that i saw w/ melly and steven
5) What did you have for breakfast in the morning? ummm hmm nothin wait unless u consider a piece of candy that was pushed in my mouth by adam breakfast and dont say ooo u need ta eat breakfast NOOOOOO I DONT ill get sick on u all and feel like crap and then feel like throwin up so dont tell me to eat b4 10
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