Jul 14, 2006 13:15
I have the meow mix song stuck on my head.
Ohhh joy.
soo im going to france, in like.. 2 days now. =D!!
bad thing..im not ready at all. lol
i dont have much of my clothes washed and i have soo many laundrys to do. and plentyy of packing to do. yayyy me.
ohhh yeah,
My grandmas back from upstate and shes being a poopiehead!! >:/
always tellling me im doing everything wrongg. geeze. and im like her official servent. cuz i guess shes so old she cant get anything for her self. i mean really. she walks all the time. =/ hmmmph.. shes so mean to me. she tells me i have to loose weight and that im ugly and blah blah blah..
never ending!!!
ahh and we saw pirates of the carribean-dead mans chest.
pretyy good movie. alota parts were pretty funny.
jack sparrow runs mad funny.
and yeah.
okk. well im off to pack