Jul 04, 2005 16:03
Hey pepps! This is really funny so just read it kz!? It jst makes fun of Harry Potter 'n if u wanna see dis go to www.potterpuppetpals.com !! It's really really funny but read it first to see if u like it!! ~lol~
Harry: I'm Harry Potter!
Ron: And I'm Ron!
Harry: Lets go bother Snape!
Ron: Right-o!
Pro. Snape: I am Snape the posions master.
Harry: There he is let's go bother him!
Harry 'n Ron:(tapping Snape constantly)Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother, Bother
Ron: Woo-hoo! That was fun!
Harry: I especially like the part where he stops moving!
Ron: Let's do it again!
Harry'n Ron: (tapping Snape constantly) Bother, Bother, Bother
Pro. Snape: Oh stop that!
Harry'n Ron: (stil tapping snape constantly) Bother, Bother,Bother
Pro. Snape: grr..ABRA-CA-DABRA!!
Harry 'n Ron: AHH!!
(Harry 'n Ron fall down..dead)
Pro. Snape: Oh dear.
Pro. Dumbledoor: Hello, Seberis
Pro Snape: uh, I can explain sir.
Pro. Dumbledoor: Ah, seems young Harry 'n Ron have taken an afternoon nap.
(Pro. Snape leaves scene without being noticed)
Pro. Dumbledoor: Let's see wut they have in their pockets,(He begins to dig in their pockets), Alas nine-cicles and a dumbbum, this is my lucky day! Hmm, I wonder where Snape went... More importantly where the hell am I!?...(a few seconds pass) NAKED TIME!!! (music plays and Pro. Dumbledoor begins to dance)...THE END!! *for now*
Hope everyine enjoed that! ~lol~ We'll ttyl kz? Luv yaz wit all my heart ~*Trish*~ ♥