Mar 26, 2006 13:39

Oh lordy! That cky concert was AMAZINGGGG!!!! I'm sooo happy that me and stephanie got to go and we had such a good time! Lets see what happened..

We got there and found the line, and me being a dumbass thought the front was the back, so that was my stupid thing of the whole night. but oh well. I made my mom stay with us for a while, because she was fun to talk to and she entertained us. She sat down on the ground with us and got a hot cococa :D
So yeah. blah blah stood there for like 4 hours ish, then got moved to the front of the place and waited a little bit longer. While we were there we kept watching cars parallel park in this one spot and this one car kept hitting the other car. And we saw a crazy black man who dressed like flava flav.
So finally we get in there and were like 2nd or 3rd row ish. Which was nice while it lasted. Me and stephanie were near this REALLY annoying guys who kept putting their elbows up and attempting to mosh. I was behind this like 6 foot guys and they smelled like hot taco and cheese.. it was sick. So finally I got so fed up with having a million sweaty guys all around me so me and stephanie went to the middle and stayed there. It was a lot nicer cause we got to acutally enjoy the concert instead of worrying about like being pushed around.
While we were standing there, Rake, Evil Jared, and shitbirds walked by like 3 times, which was cool i guess.

I liked this concert soo much more then Hellview. At hellview they barely talked on stage and didn't play as long as I expected. They played for sooo fucking long for this concert and it was amazing. They sounded amazing live, just like always.

Highlights of the Night:
1. Chad coming out with a box on his head to "hide" and tryed singing.
2. The band putting on flower necklaces or hula necklaces. whatever they were
3. Deron and Chad playing "hot potato" with the guitar and throwing stuff.
4. Deron farting into the mic at the end
5. Chad giving out money.. WAY better then stripper money!!
6. Them playing Sara's Mask and Deron singing To all of you.. me and stephanie get teary eyed when he sings that. dont fret!

Oh lordy! At one point during the concert they somehow started talking about circumcision and they were asking eachother if they were. And when Deron asked Chad he was like 'I'm fucking Jewish! I invented that shit!' ahh.. silly Chad. I love him so much. He was saying funny shit the WHOLE night.
And there were TONS of slashy moments with Chad/Deron and it made me happy.

At one point Chad was talking about someone else playing his guitar and this kid in front row was like ' I will play your guitar soo fucking good!' so he let him up there and later in the night that kid played 'Inhuman Creation Station' with the band and did an awesome job! he knew like every note and did eveything perfect (at least from what I could hear). and afterwards chad was like ' Well now we know I can go kill myself. I couple shots of heroin and I'm gone'. I think its awesome how cky is so cool with their fans like that.

Gah.. that was a lot of writing and no one is gonna read this but.. me. Cause I'm a loser. yeah. Here are some pics which me and stephanie took. Their not as good as Rissa's who took AMAZING pics!

Thats the lead singer of Moist Boyz. That guy was seriously on drugs. He was fucking crazy. But I liked them.

That was when Venomous played. I personally thought they did awesome! I really liked the band and I loved the last song.

"I wanna eat your pussys like hotwings!"

I love that pic of Chad


tooken by Stephie

credit to stephie my love

Too bad me and steph didn't get any of Matt or Jess. :/

Heres the two things that I bought.

cky shirt

better pic of it.

Thats me all happy after getting home and taking a shower. I smelled like sHIT

And of course my love stephie!

Yeah... I know. All those pics are shitty. but oh well. They're all I got! And I bet there is a lot of shit mispelled in this, but i can't fix it because lj is being gay.

Cky is fucking AMAZING and I can't wait till Stephanie and I go to another concert! Because CKy is my life...and so is john debovis.
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