
Jul 29, 2004 20:31

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Comments 4

mike_aboo July 29 2004, 19:38:08 UTC
x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with:for 6 years of my life

Hmmmm Could that be Dave?


xxblindedxx July 30 2004, 20:05:36 UTC
Mike, let's please not mention his name. I really want to forget about him, because I thought he was everything I ever wanted but, he turned out to be everything I hate. Now I have someone who truly is everything I've ever wanted, and Dave, can kiss my big fat white ass.

AWWWW Steph I haven't forgotten about you, you need to call me and be like "bitch i'm comin over!!" i leave for my moms house the 7th, so make sure you come over before then! i love you girl1!!


calumetsdream July 30 2004, 17:14:53 UTC
Wassup Shellie..

Long time no type, I suppose you've forgotten all about me. *sniff sniff*



omg silenttears953 August 7 2004, 21:18:41 UTC
michelle.. i seriously love you so much.. im so glad we are so close i can talk to you about anything and you help me! im going to miss you so much while your at your moms.. its going to suck so bad but ill get though it because your commin home! hehe but yeah i love you so much and thanks for always being here for me!



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