holey mother of cow

Apr 09, 2004 17:09

Well you know what I acutally have something WORTH writing about... Jee Goly! Look at that.

Well anyways I stayed at home last night instead of going to danis and I did my homework and fell asleep. Then this morning I woke up got dressed ran thoughout the house cuase I slacked and I was being lazy and I was already late for the bus so I went to sit down on my stool next to my desk and I forgot I moved it so I "sat down" and I fell backwards and smacked the back of my head on my desk corner and I it really hurt but I just put my shoes on and ran out the door then I walked up the hill and the bus was late its self so I got on and sat next to Sam like I do every morning and I turned my head and faced the front and Sams like holey crap Mollie your bleeding! So I walked up to the cafeteria and into to grab Dani for some strange reason since I'm afraid to go anywhere alone being the stupid person I am and we walked to the office and I was like crying but I don't know why lol it hurt a bit but I think it was more of me being so sstupid and not staying home after I hit myself. When we got into the office I didn't know what to do so we just kinda stood there and Mr. Fleck my math teacher like looked at me and was like whats wrong! He gave me this O.O look and I pulled down my hood and I pointed and he took me to the attendance lady and she took me in the back room to clean it up and called my mom. So after that I ended up goign to my doctor and she wasn't there so I had to go to a dude and it took forever to get the doctor to finally look at me then it took two hours for him to come and stich it up. So I got three stiches in the back of my head WOO haha it totally sucked and I was like freakin out the whole time except for the whole him sticking a needle and thread through my head lol cause I was all nummed up and I was singing Alegria songs in my head to keep myself occupied lol... Then I came home and slept for like 4 hours n stuff :) it was nice :)

woo how fun
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