Now a reading from the Gospel according to Alice Cooper:

May 24, 2006 21:28

Chapter 6, Verse 16:

"School's out for summer,
School's out forever!"

Well, for the past three days I have been officially branded a Brother Rice Alumnus, gotta be honest, I don't feel too different. All in all I gotta say I really liked going to Rice, I got to meet some fantastic teachers like Mrs. Hinch, Bro Arndt and McDunn (when he isn't senile). This school has brought me a plethora of early mornings, research papers and even more inside jokes ("Go Burn Yourself!", "'Ey Shoukri babes, stop Shoukrilating in public like that, its disgusting!") The last few weeks before graduation were pretty rough with all the repertoire shows. I can't say I did an ounce of homework, hell, I managed to not turn anything in to McDunn for two weeks, miss four days of class and still get an A. I tell ya, a bit of smooth talking and advanced vocabulary goes a long way. Now for the rundown of the three shows I was in:

Proof: This was the show I was probably best prepared for memorization wise, even though my part wasn't that large. I'm no Anthony Hopkins but I think I pulled it off pretty well. In retrospect I should've done more to enhance the image of Mr. Rodgers since I was wearing a red Cardigan...maybe ditching the Cream T-shirt underneath would've helped.

Waiting for Godot: Yeah...this wasn't actually WfG in any stretch of the imagination, though I think we put on a damn entertaining show all the same, what with ridiculous clothing, lightsabers and sodomy belts. The Lucky speech was fun since I managed to work a Rolling Stones and Kiss reference in before Kaz and Stoltman tackled me.

Charlie Brown: Probably my favorite show since I some way realize my dream of being a rockstar. Albeit I could've done without the flagrantly homosexual get up I was wearing but tying a scarf around the microphone in a Steven Tyler-esque fashion was positively essential. Now I just need to learn how to sing...

The weekends have been fun, most of the time I've been hanging out with folks like Brad and Ferks which have resulted in Gameworks adventures or watching early 90s kids shows like Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Also I gotta, Ong-Bak: Thai Warrior is a fucking ridiculous movie, I can't say I've ever seen a skull be split open due to an elbow drop before. Recently I've been chilling with Justin and some members of the "Circle", some of which still owe me ten bucks for covering their share of the hookah. Hmm...other notable stuff, I tried weed for the first time and smoked too much which resulted in constant dizziness and hot flashes, it felt like I was on the fucking Chaos at Cedar Point for an hour straight. Not a fun experience folks, let me tell you.

In closing...I've realized why I'm such a remorseless bastard, its all in my name:

Robert Joseph Fidler

All three of my names have six letters, so, 666.
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