In the air tonight...

Dec 30, 2004 15:32

Lol, i stayed up till 4:30am last night. =) I didn't get outta bed till like 1:30...I haven't done that in awhile. I just lvled up in WoW. W00t for lvl 22!! I gotta do some chores now, so i'm blasting some good music too. Good times. This song rocks, it's a cover, it was originally done by Phil Collins, but this version rocks. *sings* I can feel it coming in the air tonight....and i've been waiting for this moment for all my life =) I'm in a good mood today. That's always good. Now if my mom could come back with my vehicle sometime soon i would be even more happy =)
I'm off to jam to music and do some chores, and then play some more wow until my car comes back. Later guys =)

Btw, holidays in Kansas were OK. I got to see my dad and that's always good. I am still undecided about going there for school, even tho it is the best option, i really don't like it there.....but i would get his kick ass>) i dunno, anywho, i got a tight digital camera, so i can always have coolie pictures! Yay! Alright, i'm really leaving now, peace.
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