May 05, 2004 19:12
I'm so sick of this shit. Everything I cant take this anymore. I fucking got a letter sent home saying that I'm failing math and if I countinued like this I was gonna get left back or summer school if I didnt improve..where the fuck did that come from? Last time I checked the marking period just began and I went from a 60 to a 67 so how the fuck am I failing. And of course my mother fucking flipped a shit. And of course it's my "social life" thats doing this. Because going out on friday night and sometimes saturday really is causing me to fail. I dont understand the work, the teacher cant teach for shit. Why the fuck cant she ever just think that myabe I'm not smart in that area. Since 1st grade I have always done bad in math ALWAYS. And ever since then she blamed my social life. I DIDNT HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE IN 1ST GRADE. I cant take her shit anymore she doesnt even give me a chance to get my grade up shes going to make a confrence with my teacher and guidance councler to get me a tutor. Tutors make me really nervous and I swear to god if she gets me one I'm gonna sit there and stare at her/him for however long and I wont even open my mouth. I'm so sick of this shit. My mom all she does is complain and and complain and even if I'm having a good day she'll yell at me so that it's just as rotten as hers, "cause I dont deserve to have a good day". When I got home she dropped a sewing kit or sumthin on the rug and when I was walking something stabbed me on the bottom of my foot and when I looked at it later it was deep and bled through my sock and now I cant fucking walk right and all she can say is that I'm a clumsy. SHE LEFT IT. That shit hurts alot. And edd your a bastard. You have treated me like shit lately and when you need me you call me and I drop whatevr I'm doing to help you. Last night I wasted 35 minutes that I had to pay for to help you and say all horrible things to me and the next day you dont say two words. You appologise to Emily and good you should have cuz you were a bitch to her, but me, the person who you fucking torment, yell at, and fucking made me cry in front of all my neighbors even when I try to help you and I you cant even say hi to me let alone appologise for how you yet again fucked me over. Who was the one on the phone with you for half the night. That was the first time I talked to you on the phone in who long and all you can do is yell and insult me? You cant even say hi to me in the hallway. I'm sick of your shit and I'm not gonna cry over your ass anymore cause I'm sick of you always treating me like this and not as stupid as before. I made two true friends that showed me that I dont need your shit and I dont have to take it. I give and give and you take and all you give back is insults. So until you decide to appologise or even say hi to me you can go fuck yourself, I'm not just some toy available for when you feel like playing with me, I'm sick of giving my everything to you and you cant even say hi to me.