Jun 04, 2005 00:04
So I just got back from seeing The Longest Yard...and loved it! Two thumbs up, good family fun...I definitely recommend it. Took Christine, and we went with Brian, Katie, Dan, and Kayla; couldnt have asked for a better crowd. So the past week was rather exciting...everything from Seniors' last day of school, to Senior Trip, and Baccalaurate (sp?) practice...good times. Northern is just a couple months away, and as the days draw nearer, they become shorter and shorter. As does my penis...got an explanation for that? lol jk. Or am I? So...Im supposed to take Christine fishing tomorrow, so that should be a good time...Im thinking I'll probably fillet and cook them the same day...something out of the ordinary that future boyfriends might have to live up to. but hey, Im not competing. So last weekend was probably the most fun I've had in a while...now I know Im all against drinking and that, but I had to just one time as the crew before we all part our seperate ways, and God damn it was fun. I aplogize to the people I may have called and/or talked to that night. And I cant believe nobody showed up for breakfast the next morning...what the hell?!? Anyway, out.