Feb 14, 2005 16:12
...So lately I've had a lot to do, leaving me little or no time to update. Shit is okay I suppose, work is still work, women are women (still confusing as hell), and my family still gets in my business all the time. So last week I got the call from my aunt that the doctor was giving my uncle 48 hours to live. Well, he didnt make it quite that long, but lived as long as he could I suppose...the services and everything were held Saturday, which was interesting...a little too much than I was willing to deal with. I hate seeing my family like that, everyone there was crying, but tried to remember all the good times. So they picked out the perfect headstone, which has a deer with crossing rifles on it...kinda suits him. Anyway, poker has been turning around, which is always a plus, and Im hoping it continues to work out that way. Im so tired of losing all the time. So I think tonight will just be relaxing...which is a change from Valentines Days in the past. Normally Im running around buying last-minute gifts and shit. Out.