Apr 29, 2004 17:43
Hey guiiz well as u see i had to delete mii entries fo some difficulty shiit der.. =( lol but im still here hee hee.. well oo man..todaii some kid bought a gun to skool.. it was in da news n shiit..channel 10 and 7 was der and i think ch 3 also.. ahh dey interviewed mii mother lol and i saw fabio come out.. all he said was "i heard some kid bought a gun to skoo" lol..well yea i didn;t really know ..about it.. i was talkin to elie on da phone duriin lunch and w.e his friend tol him and he tol mii i was like wtf? lol n den i found out it was tru.. da kid was a freshii..well yea.. yesturdaii duriin 3rd i went to senatus class n chilled wit janet..nichole and ruben.. lol his class is soo fun.. lol i neva had him mii frehsman yr but he'z koo.. well guiiz.. i think imma bout to make mii journal friends only...fo some lil reason der.. yUh... ill update later biie..