Aug 09, 2006 01:52
So on Big Brother tonight, Janelle proved that she’s here to stay. I’m so proud of her for winning the veto! Heh the veto was pretty crazy this time too - the prizes were friggin sweet!! Plasma TV, $5,000, free slop pass, trip to Aruba? I’m kinda disappointed in Marcellas though, for not trying a lil harder to help Janelle. Meh, what do you expect - everyone’s a greedy bish haha Boogie and Will never cease to crack me up lmao I felt really bad for Dani though, poor girl was put into a 24 hour solitary confinement. Eh, and although I don’t approve of her veto replacement she gets my respect for being so bold. James vs. Kaysar?!! :o For me, that’s an easy decision since I love Kaysar and James has been nothing but a snake, going back on the s6 alliance. Yeah, so I really do hope he gets evicted this week.
Rock Star Supernova was amazing tonight, probably one of the better episodes this season. Some of my thoughts on the performances:
Dilana - I loved Gilby’s comment “After that I have no doubt in my mind that a woman can front Supernova!” I totally agree with that simply because Dilana rocks!
Ryan - Wow I’m getting more and more impressed every week. The intro with the costume was hot, and yeah I loved his performance this week. Definitely a contender now ^_^
Jill - I liked it but I don’t think it’ll be good enough to keep her out of the B3. She just lacks something, can’t really pin point it.
Zayra - Um, yeah so I really don’t understand how she’s still here? I really do appreciate her creativeness and performance skills but omg she seriously can’t sing. If she doesn’t leave this week, supernova has some problems lol
Storm - She totally did that Queen song justice. She’d be a great fit for the band plus she’d keep Tommy entertained if you know what I mean haha
Patrice - meh she needs to go too. I don’t see any star quality in her at all, though the vocals were all right.
Josh - whooaa I love STP and interstate love song. He definitely did a kickass version, esp with Tommy rockin it on drums
Toby - This guy is such a great fit for the band. I loved the performance tonight and the megaphone was cool too. Great voice and really easy on the eyes <3
Lukas - loved it this week, he actually SANG for once lol