im pretty cool.
1. your name: Gregory
2. birthday: 8/4/84
3. height: 6'0
4. screenname: Beavr3030
5. pets: 2 birds(yuck)
6. piercings: ears at 00 and my septum
7. tattoos: getting an edge tat soon. XXX
8. lefty or righty: lefty
9. how many people have you kissed: too much
10. first thing you notice about opposite sex: hair and if they are funny
11. do you have a crush right now?: YES. but sigh.
12. first person you kissed: my mom when say i love her.
13. do you believe in soul mates?: sometimes
14. Color: Pink and Black
15. Band/singer/artist: LOFTUS, martyr ad, and acceptance
16. Number: 310
17. Comedian: you
18. How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed: afew. not alot. im not really down.
19. favorite astrological sign: who cares
20. your astrological sign: leo