Jul 19, 2004 00:21
Wow.. there is a lot of drama in the world we live in.. i must say that i have had my fair chance w/ all of it..
I can't say it was for the better, but it sure wasn't for the worst.. I
got a good taste of it this year w/ all the conflicts of a long term
relationship w/ Amber.. Ok i fell alseep.. so .. i don't know what i
was going to say..
I went surfing this morning and it was tight.. blown out a little but got a couple good face waves.
Went to breakfast and had lots of food.. then went home.. friends came over.. hung out until work.
Went to work until 8:30.. (had to stay extra hours..) then i came home
w/ meagan and sam.. had more people over(heather amber, ashten..) and
everyone stayed until 11 ish.
That's my day..