Ballroom Blitz

Apr 16, 2005 15:39

It's been 2 weeks or so I guess.
But I'm not going to update about all 2 weeks.
So I'll start with last Saturday, and skip a little in between.
So Saturday. I had to be at the school at 7 for the FLC Competition. Me+awake at 7 on a Saturday=no good. We took a school bus. Because Foreign Language Club isn'timportant enough to get a decent bus for a 1 and a half hour trip. Or something. I sat with Danielle. I think I fell asleep. The competition was at IUP. I guess we got there around 8:30-9. I don't know how many other schools were there;5-10 would be a good guess. My first competition was composition. It was easy. Then I went to speaking. Not easy. Not extremely hard, either; just dumb. I forgot some easy vocab. Speaking gets a thumbs down. Then reading comprehension. Also easy. Then lunch. Sr. Poole made us walk about 5 miles to get to the food hall, which was only really a few blocks away. No me digas. There was a buffet. You could make your own waffles. I didn't. The food was okay. Danielle, Sarah, Megan, Jess, Amber, and I were done with all of our competitions, so we sat outside in the sun. Then we went to see the drama performances. Oh my. I don't really even know what to say about them. We didn't stay for the awards ceremony because people had to be home in time for the play. Not cool.

Ummm Sunday. I went to church, then out to eat, then came home and did homework. Then went to Dan's for his birthday.

Okay, I don't really remember anything about school this week. Except that I had a lot of tests. I didn't get to go to the Punchline show Thursday, so that bummed me out. I went to a tennis match or two with Danielle. Our Roosevelt paper from last year won some award, so some people from MLTV/Lions Den/whatever got me out of Chemistry to interview me. And Steph. And Justin? Our paper from last year ruled.

Yesterday was pretty much gay. I was so tired all day because I stayed up the night before doing homework and such. We finally found out the results from the FLC Competition. I got 1st in composition & reading comprehension. Danielle got 2nd in composition, and I think Sarah got 2nd in reading comprehension & Jess got 3rd in listening. Pretty cool. I took an Algebra test that kicked my ass. Oh well. We listened to Salsa music in Spanish. No me gusta mucho. Ricardo Arjona>Celia Cruz. We worked on our expressionist projects in English. Mine owns. But I was really mad because JMac was supercool & informed us toward the end of the period that we could turn them in Monday, which means I wouldn't have had to do so much Thursday night. Dumb dumb dumb.

I came home and got ready to go to State College. Danielle came around 4:40 and Meg came to pick us up shortly after. We ate at Baby's<3 and then went to the play [The Glass Menagerie]. I should probably stop and explain. We read The Glass Menagerie in English class, and JMac's student teacher [for 1st period] just happened to be involved in a production of it at Penn State. So JMac offered 10 extra credit points for anyone who went to see it. So we went. It said online that the play was supposed to be 58 minutes long. Close. It was 2 and a half hours worth of boring. So we didn't get home until around 12, I think. Meg was supposed to stay over because her and I were both working the OM competition today. But Danielle stayed, too, since it was so late. We stayed up until 2-ish and got up at 5:45. Awesome. We had to be at the school at 6:45. Danielle's dad picked her up. I was supposed to work at an information booth in the morning, but they sent me over to Roosevelt to help teams unload their props and stuff and to run scores. Basically, that meant standing by a door and telling people where to go, and then sitting and watching skits. At around 12, Danielle came over to the auditorium where I was watching skits and we ran some errands and then went over to Altoona to eat lunch. I found Meg and we got food and then sat by Tim Karl and ate. Then we went to the basement. We watched 1 skit. Then I sat at an information booth, while Meg watched skits/ran scores. We were supposed to be able to leave at 4, but everything in the basement area was done, so we got to leave around 3.
I want to be in OM next year. I miss it a lot. Anyone want to start/join a team?

My throat hurts a lot. I want Clifford soup.
I am so tired.
I think I will just sleep tonight.
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