Jan 25, 2005 18:44
So im very very happy that the first part of mid-terms are over Algebra and English. I took the English mid-term first and by far it was 25./75 75% being easy which was a shock since I thought is was going to be much harder. Then I took the Algebra mid-term and I finished pretty early which was cool just to do nothing for like 35 mintues. Then I asked mr.Copperman after class how he thought I did and he said that so far the whole class did very well...(he didn't see any errors..big ones..so far and he thinks so far no one got below a c..AWSOMENESS). So then me,tina,deman,moe,and devin decided to stay for the game but we had to go somewhere so we decided to go over Sam's but she had to work on her bridge and then we went to moe's. So around 2:45 we left and went back to the school.Hung out with people(insider of the day: Yea and I run on a hormonal clock..instead of tick tock it goes..Hot..Not..Hot..Not..every 2-5 hours after school...when the opposite sex is present or near...and no i don't want to quote unqoute "jump his bones"...pause..wait what does that mean..(laughter)..o i get it..) and watched the game and I would like to point out that the girls kick major arse anmd the cheerleaders..as usually. So then I waited outside with Tina while she waited for her brother to pick her up...Hottness<33333. So he picked her up in all his 17yr old glory and left.(he kicks major arse too..matter fact they both kick major arse). SO then I decided to skip ballet ..yet again tonight and I know shes going to KILL..NO MURDER me next week (cuz im skipping hip-hop and jazz on friday too...hhehehe)...ugh. So now im practicing chords on the keybord then study time(chorus and spanish 2..bleck) then TV bitches<333 & I hope that dave calls tonight cuz i really am to lazy to call hinm (i kno two wrongs.....make a left..hehe)