May 12, 2005 03:18
Tonight was that I'm not consumed by a show I have time for my friends again. Joy Antonio Lyndzetta and I went to steak n shake tonight around 2 before that we got ourselves totaly wasted at karaoke and sang a shit load of songs....I'm glad i had this night...I miss Wonton and his antics! We went door to door and sang christmas carols at Joy apart. and people paid us they thought it was funny....I know I won't be able to have fun for a while because thursday nught is amanda's little show and then friday night is dixie's, but friday after it the girls and i decided we would go out right...then all the guys felt left out so it's gonna be 10 of my closest friends 5 girls 5 guys and we'll have a blast...and on saturday I think I'm gonna see if they all just wanna sleep at my place and then we all get up and go to islandsd of adventure or busch gardens on sat...that would be fun....ok bedtime...goodnight moon