Apr 07, 2014 22:58
Monday 7th April 2014.
Saw Dr Singh today. I gave him a copy of the first 2 ½ pages of the Gender in Mental Health complaint/history that I am working on, which covered my experiences in 2004 and 2008=2009, and supported the fact that at no stage have I had ANY of the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, but I had ALL the symptoms of Gender Identity Disorder, which was confirmed by my treatment at the Monash Gender Clinic. He actually listened to me- I think he was a bit shocked by what they did to me in 2004 especially (he would know as well as I do the dangers of abrupt hormone withdrawal). He also discussed medications with me, he is actually open to using the older medications, and I feel quite confident that he would never put me on an SSRI. He has also taken my pages and my page of notes on what I am experiencing at the moment and put them on my file.It was a HALF HOUR VISIT!! That may not sound long to anyone who has experienced the private psychiatrists but for Mental Health Clinic psychs that is THREE TIMES as long as the 10 minutes I usually get. Ran into Allison today also and she has had a different but equally positive interaction with him, enough for me to say that we need MORE like him.
Had a nice long lunch with Virginia (and also introduced her to Allison), then another coffee at Red Rooster then I went to fill script, got to Salvo’s Howitt St Shop (mainly books but also a pair of very large overalls and some mats for surfaces like coffee table and stuff). Went to Kmart to do photos but my phone wasn’t co-operating with the photo booth so I just did the ones from the camera’s SD card, only 17 of them. Got a Milk Shake maker and a book then nipped into Coles for a few things then home, got home about 7.30.
Have a CT scan tomorrow, a follow up to the one in 2011 where they reported that there were no changes in the contrast scan- well the fact that they didn’t DO a contrast scan might have a lot to do with that!! Grrr, some of these people make me so angry, if this turns out to be something that should have been picked up then, they will be TOAST!!
gender psychiatry