As Kevin has been writing all over Facebook a lot of lies, from my deceiving him and having a relationship with Cindy behind his back (when in fact he was told almost as soon as we knew that the feelings we had for each other were mutual), to him being "Thrown out on the street", to his having left the house key here (his sister later got him to admit he still had it, after I had practically torn the property apart looking for it), Cindy and I found a letter to each of us that he had written and left behind, it took a while to find them, as they were buried under a lot of empty cans and other junk and only found by accident when we were cleaning up and moving back into what was originally my bedroom before it was relocated in 2008.
I have typed up the letters exactly, spelling errors and all. I'm using Livejournal as it's the only way I can link a large volume of text and 2 photos of scanned letters to be accessible by our friends in Facebook, FB being so limited in what you can put in.
letter to Cindy from Kevin
Note: nothing has been edited including the spelling!
You were so speacale to me I was prouwd to be marred to yoy my love for you is bigger then the unervouse but I am hurting more then yhou will ever now, I am leaving like this beccouse I can’t face you to together I will miss you very much I thought simon was my best friend but I was very rong, I fiel like I was used there is nothing for me I don’t want amy thing that I left here nowone will ever see me agane I don’t care any more what happens to me you will never here fram me again or see me
Good by
letter kevin to Simon
I thout you where my best friend I trusted you but you went and did this to me you have hurt me you where like a brother to me and I would have done anything for you I feell like I was used and it will never happen again you and cindy will never see me agane I was so happy to be with cindy but now I have nowone and I don’t care what happens to me I am sick of being hurt I will stick to my self any more I don’t now weree I am going but I can’t stay here any more cindy was my unerverse you stoll her away from me I did have a lot of respect for you but now I have nothing I am not going to let you know where I am so don’t ask
Good by
Fore ever
I wasn't happy about having to do this, but after lying for weeks, he admitted to his sister a week ago that he still has his key to the house, we've had to deal with Cash Converters to retrieve Cindy's ring (from her parents, so a lot of sentimental value), and he's now saying that her laptop is his. He's already escaped (so far) any of the problems associated with hocking a ring belonging to someone else, especially as she had to wait til the end of the period of time because the receipt was in his name, plus being short of money as it cost her $85 to get her own ring back. I don't know whereabouts he is, I'm just hoping he is a long way from here, and also that the key IS on it's way to his sister by mail, because I WILL follow up legally his having a key to my home that he denied having.
GRRRRR, for once, I am VERY ANGRY