Jan 13, 2005 19:01
school nothing new and im talking to tara right now and this is what she said about 2morrow lol yay!:
sugarpietp: ok
sugarpietp: here is it
sugarpietp: it is*
sugarpietp: my mom said
sugarpietp: that we probly wont have school tomorrow and she is like only sumtimes wrong
spongeboba567: we wont have school 2morrow???
spongeboba567: yay!
spongeboba567: tell ur mom i love her
spongeboba567: lmao
sugarpietp: LMAO
sugarpietp: Tara:Mom ashley linskins said she loves u for the whole snowday prediction
my mom: well thats good at least she appecates me...
sugarpietp: appreciates
spongeboba567: LMFAO i do apreitate her5 lmao she should wor5k for channel 7!
sugarpietp: **
sugarpietp: LMFAOO!
spongeboba567: weather lady
sugarpietp: she said ur a bright thinker but she is to old to be cute on tv
sugarpietp: LMAO
spongeboba567: lmao! i knew someday i would be bright
sugarpietp: lmo
sugarpietp: lmao*
sugarpietp: she said ur shinning lolol
sugarpietp: wow my moms a dork
spongeboba567: lmao nawwww my dad calls all my friends honey
spongeboba567: lmfao
sugarpietp: lmaaooo
spongeboba567: he goes hey how are u honey and im like good and he gose no ur frined and im like HEY!
spongeboba567: lmao
spongeboba567: he sounds like a child moulseter
spongeboba567: fliting with a tean
spongeboba567: teen*
spongeboba567: LMFAO
sugarpietp: LMFAOOO!
spongeboba567: lmao im gona put that in my live journal