Nov 12, 2004 15:00
I've decided that the pictures are nice and all, but it would probably be a good idea to introduce myself. I am Kelsey Crosen. I have recently moved and was convinced by a friend, *coughcoughTashacoughcough*, to make an online journal to communicate with my friends. While this is probably being read by my friends and think I'm talking like a nutcase,or typing, I'm not, this is for introductory reasons to anyone. Not just you guys. Soooo, keep me posted people, I want to feel like I'm still in the loop. See you come Christmas. Tah!
PS. If any of you have stories that you keep posted, you know who you are (Kara, Tasha), please either notify me of their being posted and where I can find them, or just give them to me to read. You know, put them in a reply or something. I don't now how this website works so help me. Plus, if you know any codes other than the post images one, give them to me...please. I love codes, almost as much as your stories.