*I'm ok if a person is kinda full of themselves if their artistic achievements are worthwhile. michelangelo, richard serra, prince, whatever. But if the only thing going for you is a bunch of 14 year old girls that think your hot and lyrics that talk about how you hate your ex girlfriend because she cheated on you, then maybe you should take a
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Maybe the girl from my history discussion should talk to Sadam maybe he can use this line.
SEE what I have to Deal with. The girl is one of YOUR kind. SHe is a theater major, so it is a branch of art. She needs to be beaten with a stick. She reminds me of Josh, from me listening to her she came from a smallish town, and people thought she was cool, and now she realizes maybe she isn't because no one cares about he oppinions that have no validity. because as long as you have purple hair and do something with art everyone should listen to what you say because you are right.
PS stop making fun of me. So what if I am only artistic because 14 year old girls like me and my girl....i mean boyfriend broke up with me. I am as artistic as i think I am.
Is it weird that we live in the same house and haven't had an actual conversation in a while? you took my straighter out of my room and didn't put it back.
I don't think I am joining the Peace Corps anymore. I think I am going to be either in the Army nurse corps or the Navy Nurse Corps.
maybe i just like it because Corps is almost like corpse which is a dead body, and i'll get to save people. I am excited it will be gruesome. I want to be in the Emergency department of either. I'll get to see the blown up people. According to grandma i am joining the marines to be with greg which doesn't make since because girls can't be on the front lines so that would a. not work and b. be really weird. So i say i'll just sleep my way up through the military until i am in sniper school.
I wish girls could be on the front lines I just want to shoot people and blow stuff up. Is this weird?
I am trying to catch up with you since i haven't talked to you in a long time.
i think this may be a little long. Hope to see you around the house.
i am procrastinating.
i go to florida on the 12. 19 days. so you go to ny sooner. bring me back something french. basically shoes. i wear a 6-6 1/2 Not a 7. make sure they are cute. or i'll settle for little shorts that say new york on the ass. can i buy you a pair of underware and you have to wear them to ny?
they say new york take a bite out of this on the front and have a apple. it made me laugh. or a tee shirt. i just want a present. i'll buy you a present but it wont be as sweet because i'm going to orlando. i can get you a teeshirt from club paris.
it will be st pattys day when i go i hope i get green beer. i get to drink on the beach maybe i'll pretend i'm in laguna beach? or is the it oc? i really don't keep up on my reality shows. are they even reality shows?
ok I am done.
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