Earache is the Worst...

Apr 20, 2005 07:43

Hi Again everyone
Well this Sickness is driviing me crazy! Yest i felt little better and this mornning when i woke up, my eear hurt so abd, espacially when i swallowed and my throat was killing me so i stayed home again,i can't imagine going throught school with earache.
I am so tired of being sick!i better go to school any day then be at home sick ahh!Sickness is so evil!You are so right Kay!This is the most days of school i missed in weeks.
I e-mailed all my teachers to ask for hW so that way i won't lots of work to make up during the weekend,hope they reply so i can get started on it.
Well I hope that everyone else is going have better day then me,My ear is bothering me so i am going go lay down and read for a while
Luv Ya
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