Only Because Raeven Did It...

Apr 20, 2008 21:05

What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?

Last person you texted?

Did you get any compliments today?
Hmm. I don't think so.

What’s the seventh text message in your inbox say?
On the way to see santana! Woo! (Hahaha sent to chris danford, what a guy)

When did you last hold hands with someone?
Jay last night.

Have you ever thrown up from drinking?
Once, barscramble, it ALMOST happened a second time recently, that was bad.

Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
yes, not a fan

Done any illegal drugs?
just weed years ago

What’s the longest amount of time you've been on an airplane?
8 hours

Have you ever been out of your country?

Have you seen your best friend(s) naked?
Renee? Nope, don't plan on it either. Haha

Who was the last person to call you babe?

What time did you wake up this morning?

Has someone smacked or looked at your butt in the past week?
Yes Jay, that butthead, he smacked my butt.

What is in your back pocket?
buttons.. o.O

What’s your favorite curse word?
OH DAMMIT.. I say it all the time lately.

Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes cigs?
I would not approve.

Can you do a split?

Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
morning, wakes me up.

Have you been to New York City?
yes, cranky people there.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes quite a few.

Has 2008 been good so far?
it has been somewhat rollercoastery.

When is your next road trip?
hm I don't know. Well, I have to go to Appleton, WI in June for work and I'm driving. How exciting, right? :P

What color phone do you have?

What color are your eyes?

Do you use anything made by Cover Girl?
i don't know, i have a variety of things.

What's your favorite magazine?
who knows, i don't care much for them.

Do you think you're going to Heaven?
i think we are all going to hell.

Have you ever used Febreze in your house?
hell yes that stuff is great!

What are your plans for tonight?
sit here on this piece of crap called the internet. i'm bored as hell if you can't tell.

Are you going to the mall tomorrow?
i went today!

Do you like Subway?
It's not bad when you are in a rush and hungry

Are you organized?
meh depends

Do you like mohawks?
depends on the person.

Where is your cell phone right now?
sitting next to me.

Is your birthday coming up?
actually it is on wednesday! anyone want to do something this coming weekend? hm just dinner and maybe gameworks or d&b or something? LET ME KNOW!

Would you like to go to Idaho?
Wtf is in Idaho besides potatoes?

Does your mom drive a red car?
nope, but we have a red vigor my sis drives

If you could have anything delivered to your doorstep each morning, what would it be?
a fat wad of cash money (YES YES I AGREE!)

Who, if anyone, would be with you?
What? This question is worded really strangely. I guess Jay right? I hope? Haha
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