(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 20:45

the last tw0 days all I ate was a banana and a 0range juice and a coke with lime. Smoking on an empty stomach is nauseating i feel bla..
my life is neither exiting nor boring ..i g0t four pairs 0f sh0es t0day..whop whop
we w0n 0ur s0ftball game t0day.. and im pissed becasue i broke my catchers mask though wich in itself is pretty gay but owell. I have this damn red ink sp0t 0n my hand that f0r the fuking life 0f me w0nt cum 0ff.
my alergies kill. I hate the damn stand up comedians 0n tv. there n0t even fuking funny

god w0w im pr0ud 0f myself 6 m0nths and alth0ugh i have pissed him off fuking infamous am0unts 0f times iv never been unfaithful t0 that b0y n0r have i intenionally hurt him. He means the world to me. hes my life
he is the only 0ne i can be truely comf0ratable around. the 0nly 0ne wh0s arms can be wrapped around me and make me feel totally and completely safe fr0m harm..
i l0ve you baby !!!

im reading this really interesting b00k its by my fav. auth0r but its kinda confusing..
"he bent his head and pulled off his t-shirt. his body was lithe and brown,his shoulders slightly huched.He turned his back to mee and i saw what was hidden there pressed damp and matted against his shoulder blades. The shabby soiled once white feathers hung limply. My tears poured out of me and he drank them down his throat. He drank them in gulps deep into himself,swal0wing s0rr0w.
"someday,"he said,"when we are ready i will give you back your tears."
when i l00ked up he was g0ne i th0ught 0f the wongs. were the false 0r were they real? they were beating inside 0f me"

i kn0w weird..i cant figure it 0ut..
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