Nov 04, 2004 08:32
Wonderful. It's official. President Bush remains in office. Not only that, but the number of Republican representatives in the senate has grown. 11 states are most likely going to ban gay marriage. Bush is more comfortable than ever. I couldn't believe that he won, especially considering voter turnout was higher than it's been since the 1960's. It makes democracy look so depressing. The people who usually dont vote finally got off their asses...and the motherfucker still won. Wicked.
Now, I'm not the type to go overboard and start talking about how the world is going to end now or anything like that. I'm just fucking shocked. And to top it off, certain anti-American MP's from here in good ol' Canada are being censored for saying what's on their mind. One MP called Bush's so-called Missile Defence program(otherwise known as the Star Wars program) a "coalition of idiots". She's also been known to mutter "damn Americans" every now and then too. That makes me happy.
A President can only be in office for 2 terms I believe. Since this is Bush's second term, he's got nothing to lose. Within the next two years of his office I think we're going to see some major, and frightening changes to our world. The environment is being ignored in favour of making money. War is back in style, reagrdless of how many young men and women die brutally. Alternative lifestyles are being banned in certain places. The right of the individual is being replaced with the rights of the ignorant and afraid.
Like it said at the start of Fellowship of the Ring..."The world is changing...."