Giving up is not so easy

May 13, 2010 23:57

The other party knows he is not married to you, so he is fair game for any women.

Its not the women fault so don't go and harass people. I already suggest to you to go and get a life don't waste your time.

I really want you to be happy and cheerful again. Now it the time you must be rational not emotional.

You are right. You are in crossroads in life now but this is not the end of the world. I feel you would be more pitiful if you are still in same unhappy state 1 year, 5 years later, you agree? I gave up my 7 years marriage. At first it's seems pitiful but now I think it was a good decision. Dun think further, go confront him and trash things out. Your destiny is in your own hands. BE STRONG.

Are you afraid to lost what you have now? You would lost more if you continue to drag on. Trust me go tell him you want to break up and you will find out the answer. Stop hanging on to his empty promises. Whatever help you have extended to him just forget you will get back. Leave with no strings attached. You are a nice gal. You need to move on in life. You still can enjoy life from family and friends. This man is not worthy to be with.

It is never too late! Or you rather live your whole life burdened and stressed out. If you are decisive now, you might help not just yourself but him as well. I think it has come to a stage where you need to take a stand. Don't let love blind you. Even if he marries you and continues his way, you will end up as ex someday.

It's still so difficult to give up sometimes. It's not easy to move on if there is a season for change. 
I think i know what hold me back.  There is a reason why i choose to stay back but I know i still to make the decision to move on or not.
But it not that easy to come to the final decision. One wrong move = might be regret

Indeed I have to ask myself, am I feeling insecure? Thus making me feel sad & always think otherwise.

Did not sleep well for few nights. Just when I was about to sleep, suddenly I just felt so sad, deciding to let go (for goodness sake) and to make changes to my life. Still hanging there..................

Half of year 2010 has been quite stressful. I am just praying for strength and peace to be with me. 
I guess,I suppose it's good that my work is so busy and then, slowly time will help me to forget and to move on.
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