
Oct 09, 2005 13:14

So last night right before I went potty my phone just fell in the toilet. I was super pissed about this. I mean how does a phone fall out of my pocket into the toilet. I then tried to dry it off and it just wouldnt work. So I sat down and watched 8 episodes of Buffy the Vampire slayer season 5. Then after taking beckys advice and yelling at it it decided to work so that was cool. Today while training I hurt my ribs.... again. I dont think they ever healed. But thats ok cuz next weekend I am going down to columbus and guess what I AM FUCKING COMPETING in a sumbission grappling tournament. I filled out my registration today. I gotta cut 10 pounds by friday but in all reality that aint no thang but a chicken wang. So yah those are 2 cool things to happen to me. Now if I could only manage to get the girl who I love more then anything back life would be awesome again.

- Aj
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