minna~ it was our birthdays :D
And I [Saku] was kidnapped by Ela, even if it was her birthday too, she planned the day with another friend and didn't wanna tell me where we were going. Unfortunately, our friend revealed the info unconsciously xD First we went shopping in Trier and afterwards to a sushi-restaurant for an All-you-can-eat-Sushi [where the chefs had fun talking about us, 'cause Ela had one of her special moments (talking bullshit and didn't understand anything) ;D]
There we also exchanged our presents; Ela wanted me to cry out of joy when I opened my presents, but in the end she was the one who cried out of laughter, when she received hers [unfortunately, it was just one part of the present, the other's still somewhere in japan, waiting to be delivered to germany] xD
here are our presents:
I [Saku] received two necklaces which Jin also wears:
Ela's present, a Kame-plushie handmade by me:
She's sleeping with him!!! xD
That's it :D