(no subject)

Aug 20, 2015 01:00

Do not steal and/or claim my "Friends Only" banner please. .____."  + New layout on journal -- June 16, 2011
I did a freakishly MASSIVE friend and community cut. I had like 150+ friends and now I only have about 60. I was in like 200+ community, and now I'm in about 150. .___." I want to start new again since I haven't posted and everything. So I deleted everything. If I accidently deleted you and you talk to me and stuff. Please comment. I will re-add you(: If I deleted you and you still want to be my friend, please feel free to comment and I'll re-add you again. I had so many friends. .___." I couldn't remember all of you guys lj users cept the ones that talk to me constantly. x]
Want to add me? +Comment here +Similiar interest as me +Talk +Don't mind fangirling entries +Don't mind if I'm like gone for eternity >>" +Friendly, nice, awesome(: Affiliate with bentosound? Just drop me a comment. And I'll add you to the list!

affiliate, journal
