Jul 12, 2007 01:36
jeff... and i am completely crazy about him! i never thought he would be the one, but umm he is. i just keep constantly thinking i am too young to feel this way. its the way he makes me laugh, the way he makes me feel. how i finally in my life feel safe. with him i have no worries, he has taught me just to live and take one day at a time.everyone knows its. i just hate being away from him and this year coming up is going to be even harder but for the first time in my life i know what i want!
anyways not living at home, havent been for a while. i live at jeff's. weird i know. i havent talked to my mother either, but my father and i are slowly building a relationship. finally my life seems to be falling in to place. and that completely terrifies me. i realized that i do have family ya the people i have pushed away thinking they are such terrible people where actually the only ones there when everything was falling apart.
i must admit i miss my mom even though she would do anything to hurt me she is still my mom, i worry about her. i honestly have no clue what i would do if something happened to her. i just dont understand how a mother could just abandon her child. i dont know but one day at a time.